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MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Legatum Center for Development & Entrepreneurship


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Qifan Zhang

2016 - 2017
Legatum Fellow
PhD, School of Science

Qifan’s venture employs novel stimuli responsive colloid particles to test pathogenic bacteria levels in raw food materials. There is rising concern about food safety in China and the serious outcomes associated with foodborne illnesses. A simple, inexpensive, and selective device to rapidly test large amounts of raw food materials for the presence of hazardous bacteria is highly marketable to food processors and manufacturers. It can be particularly effective as a screening tool used by the supply chain and manufacturers to ensure that bacteria contaminated food will not be served—avoiding massive recalls, extra regulator inspections, lawsuits, and consumer medical costs.

Having grown up in China, Qifan has seen many outbreaks of foodborne disease that have caused serious illness and death. Because of weak regulation and people’s negligence, unhygienic food practices and supply chains are common in China. Using her sensor technology to ensure that bacteria contaminated food will not be served to customers,Qifan designed a novel emulsion- based device as a bacteria-screening assay for food and water contamination.

In addition to her background in chemical research, Qifan also trained as an actuarial scientist. She has an interest in both data analysis and finance.

Qifan holds a Bachelor’s in Chemistry from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. As an undergraduate, she did individual research on colorimetric sensors. She is PhD candidate in the School of Science.


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